2022 Commercial Grape Report
The 2022 Commercial Wine Grape Report was conducted on behalf of the Virginia Wine Board with management from the Virginia Vineyards Association and data collection by the Virginia Wine Board Marketing Office. The VWBMO previously managed the survey from 2010-2015 and again in 2021 and 2022. The 2016-2020 reports were produced by outside agencies and should be used with caution as lower response rates resulted in decreased aggregate data points.
The 2021 report saw a substantial increase in participation, and therefore this year’s methodology was kept the same with the addition of a few survey questions. All data in this report was collected from Virginia grape growers and wineries in two surveys. The first survey was shared digitally with all Virginia vineyards in September 2022 and remained open until February 2023, receiving responses from 384 vineyard sites. This initial survey collected details on bearing acres (planted 3+ years) and non-bearing acres (planted 1-2 years), with a minimum acreage requirement of 0.25 acres planted per variety. The second survey acted as a crush report and was shared amongst all known wine producers in Virginia. Opening at the end of November, the second survey collected online responses through February 2023 from 207 wine producers. These producers provided details on the tonnage of grapes processed at their facilities in 2022. Data collected included all varieties processed at the price paid for fruit that was contracted or purchased at market. Additionally, new questions were added to track estimated fruit loss in the vineyards and causes. Contact information for both surveys was compiled from membership databases from the VVA, VWBMO, and Virginia Wineries Association. It is conservatively estimated that a minimum of 513 total acres are unreported from 76 vineyard non-respondents and 622 additional tons were processed by 60 non-responding winery operations. These estimates were calculated based on existing industry data and knowledge.
Click here for the 2022 Commercial Grape Report.
Past Commercial Grape Reports can be found here.